

Our Vision 

 The vision for mathematics at Downsview Community Primary School is that all children develop:

  • positive attitudes towards the subject and awareness of the relevance of mathematics in the real world
  • competence and confidence in using and applying mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills
  • an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately
  • initiative and motivation to work both independently and in cooperation with others
  • confident communication of maths where pupils ask and answer questions, openly share work and learn from mistakes
  • an ability to use and apply mathematics across the curriculum and in real life
  • an understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and investigation


At Downsview Primary School teachers from year 1 to year 6 are using detailed schemes of learning published by the White Rose hub to plan effective maths lessons incorporating fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Please see the link below for full curriculum progression.

Primary Maths ready to progress curriculum

TT Rockstars

TT Rockstars is a fantastic online way to develop knowledge of times tables and division facts for all pupils from Y1-Y6.

Times tables are recognised as essential to access many mathematical concepts. Knowledge of timestables will be assessed at the end of Y4, by a National test. When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to complete trickier calculations at speed.

Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables! Your child’s teacher should have provided your child with their login details to access TT Rockstars at home through either the TT Rockstars App or by click on to the website link: 


  • Children are encouraged to evaluate and discuss their own mathematical learning
  • Formal PUMA assessments take place three times a year in Year groups 1-6
  • End of Key Stage 1 and End of Key Stage 2 SATs take place in May every year