
Downsview’s Safeguarding Statement

Downsview Community Primary School recognise that providing children with a positive ethos and safe environment, whereby children feel safe, secure and respected; children have the confidence to talk openly and the knowledge and trust that any concerns they share, will be listened to and followed up accordingly, is a priority at our school. It is paramount that we safeguard and promote the welfare of each of our pupils.

It is the responsibility of all our staff, governors, parents, families, pupils and the wider school community  to play an essential role in making our school community safe and secure. All our staff and visitors are equipped with the knowledge through regular training to recognise possible abuse. If abuse is suspected, staff and visitors are confident in our procedures to ensure that children are given the correct support and protection.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Gale (Head of School). Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Miss Page and Mrs Cain. In school, we have safeguarding posters in every classroom and in shared areas that are child-friendly to help children identify who the DSLs are. We also have safeguarding leaflets in our office area, so that everybody in the school community is aware of the DSLs, how concerns are reported and responded to in our school and how as visitors, they too play a part in safeguarding our pupils.

A copy of our most recent Child Protection Policy can be found by following the link below:

Child protection policy 2024-25

Below are statutory documents which we comply with and all staff members are confident with:

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024 Working Together To Safeguard Children 2023 What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused