School uniform
At Downsview Community Primary School we expect children to come to school wearing full school uniform and to take a pride in their appearance. School uniform contributes to the feeling of belonging to our school. The list below covers uniform requirements.
School uniform is available to buy from School Shop at the following link:
Buy uniform hereSchool Uniform
- Grey or black trousers / grey skirt
- White polo shirt / shirt / blouse
- Green sweatshirt / cardigan / fleece with Downsview logo
- Grey / white ankle socks (summer)
- Grey or black tights (winter)
- Green & White striped or checked summer dress
Children MUST wear black shoes and NOT trainers – unless there is a medical reason for wearing trainers.
PE Kit
- House colour t-shirt with Downsview logo
- Black shorts
- Black jogging bottoms
- Black sweatshirt with Downsview logo
Top 10 reasons to feel good about school uniform:
Equality – Uniform is a great leveller, it makes everyone equal.
Ease – Mornings become easier. It removes the “what to wear” dilemma!
Belonging – Uniform gives children a common identity and a sense of belonging.
Practical – It’s designed to withstand wear and tear better than expensive high street fashion items.
Better behaviour – Children behave better when they wear their uniform; it comes with a set of expectations as to what is and isn’t acceptable and children behave accordingly.
Rules – Children learn the importance of rules even if they don’t like them, a valuable lesson for life.
Confidence – Children walk taller in uniform. They feel important and proud.
Work – Children have a much better attitude to work when they are wearing a uniform.
Identification – Uniform gives the school a profile in the community and means children are easily identifiable on school trips.